Cheyenne Bryant
Cheyenne was born and raised in Shreveport, LA. She is currently the staff assistant at the Betty and Leonard Phillips Deaf Action Center of Louisiana. She is severe to profoundly deaf and wears a cochlear implant. Cheyenne received a Bachelor of General Studies at Louisiana State University-Shreveport in May 2000. She is a three-time Deaf Olympian in the sport of bowling. She competed in Melbourne, Australia, Taipei, Taiwan, and Sofia, Bulgaria. During these competitions, Cheyenne won 3 medals, 2 silver and 1 bronze. During her travel with the Olympics, she has had the opportunity to meet a lot of different people from around the world. During her free time, you can find her busy cheering LOUDLY for her daughter who plays basketball, hanging out with friends, attending deaf events at DAC or volunteering at church.